Zhu Fuming as vice president of Germany MTU visited Calsion

Time:2018-06-04 Hits:13444

Currently, Zhu Fuming and his group visited at Calsion and Wu Baoliang as CEO of Calsion with his team met them and talked deeply. Firstly, Wu Baoliang welcomes and thanks them come to Calsion because the corporation between Calsion and MTU keeps 14 years and longer. Secondly, it is the first time about Zhu Fuming visit at Calsion when he became vice president of Germany MTU.

There was an important meeting about the trend of market, competition and successful cases. Moreover, they joined at manufacture place to understand the process and professional skills. At the end of time, Zhu Fuming pretty thanks for Calsion, which always expand MTU’s products and said they will work together for long time.