Winning bid | BOE (Suzhou) Zhizao Service Industrial Park Project

Time:2019-02-27 Hits:16025

Recently, following the BOE (Wuhan) High Generation TFT-LCD Production Line Project, Calsion successfully won the bid for the BOE (Suzhou) Zhizao Service Industrial Park project, and once again served the global display industry giant BOE (BOE), providing the project the customized emergency power system solution guarantees the power supply of intelligent manufacturing and contributes to the supply-side structural reform of China's manufacturing industry.

In recent years, China has implemented "Made in China 2025" and has intensified the structural reform of the supply side of the manufacturing industry. As the commanding height of the new round of technology and industrial revolution in the world, intelligent manufacturing not only drives the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing, but also creates a new round of industrial opportunities. BOE which is already the world's second largest innovation company in the semiconductor field, is also active layout. The BOE (Suzhou) Zhizao Service Industrial Park project has a total investment of 18 billion, the first phase of the project has an investment of 4 billion, and the designed production capacity is 20 million units per year. It mainly produces LCD TVs, LCD monitors, smart whiteboards, art terminals, and commercial terminals. Terminal products such as in-vehicle, industrial control, mobile health, AR/VR, etc. are scheduled to be put into production in 2019.

The Zhizao service factory relies on the information management software platform to collect, transmit, share and integrate material supply data, product manufacturing process data and equipment status data in real-time production; build intelligent information and big data platform to realize intelligence Scheduling,etc.